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This is it.

The Gathering is a retreat for those who feel called by the question “Who am I truly?” and who want to explore reality in a safe and supportive environment. Nobody knows what you’ll find on this journey. That’s the exciting part.

Photo credit: © Janine Sametzky

About The Gathering

For most days you’ll work in dyads, meaning in couples with 5-16 other participants. For 30mins (duration of one dyad) you and your partner will give each other the following instruction: Feel who you are here and now. Partner A gives this instruction and then listens to partner B responding. Every five minutes, we’ll ring a bell and you change roles. Every new dyad you will change your partner. That’s basically it.

Contact us about the seminar fees. Everyone will be able to particpate no matter their financial situation.

The Gathering – The Technique Explained


The Gathering brings us together, allowing us to be present for one another.


Re-Ignite the Love
It’s always lovely to (re-)meet fellow Gatherers. We Are All Kindred souls.

1:1 Satori Protocols

Unique Insight
The direct path towards experiencing who you truly are and who you are not.


The Purest Space Out There for Self Exploration
No distractions, no teachings, no nonsense.

Meet the team

Michael met Mirjam and Lydia in a seminar which was the inspiration for the Gathering.

  • Michael is a trained German tutor (since 2001), a coach for behaviour and communication (since 2001), highly experienced in altered states of consciousness (since 2018) and with facilitating groups
  • Lydia is a former Yoga teacher and current Psychology student (IPU Berlin) with the goal to become a Psychoanalyst. She’s a master organiser and formidable chef.
  • Mirjam is a former project manager now soul-based life coach, facilitates psychedelic group events and also is a formidable chef who assists Lydia in the kitchen during the longer Gatherings.

We provide experienced support without exerting any pressure or creating any illusion of delivering therapy. The Gatherings bring us together, allowing us to be present with and for one another.

Recent blog articles


What is life?

June 14, 2022

What is love?

June 14, 2022

What is Freedom?

June 14, 2022

The Gathering is a group for people who want to explore the question “Who am I?” in a supportive environment. There is no specific agenda or goal.